Discover God's divine plan for your forever life
"Faith & Science In The News"...
Is there a scientific case for the existence of God? Are we the product of purposeless chance ? Where did we come from? Join us here at Faith and Science in the News to seek answers to those and many other questions related to the impact of science on our faith.
<== Click the Pic for Dr. Lyon's Faith & Science Apologetics Website
"Something To Think About"... Have you ever pondered questions that bear eternal consequences? How should you respond to local & worldly events? How do you maintain a balance in your life? These and many other subjects will be covered by Pastor Huss as he dives deep into these and other questions that affect your life.
"In The Word"....Nick Jones is the Lead Pastor/Elder of The Church At Alden Bridge in The Woodlands, Texas. Pastor Nick provides expository preaching that holds to the tenets of Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Christ Alone, Scripture Alone, and the Glory of God Alone. He provides accurate scriptural teaching designed for the seeker of Truth and Hope.
"The Impact of Our Choices".... We all were born into a conflict with imputed sins that make up our Genetics. We have no control how we are born & what we are born into. ( Psalms 51:5 ) : “I was brought forth in Iniquity” ( SIN ) We do have a free will and a choice where we will stand,. Whose force will we join? LEARN OF THE CREATOR AND HIS LOVE for YOU and his available Blessings not curses.
A new book by Randy Mashburn. “Divine Presence” is an incredible book that invites readers to discover the true power of faith and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in everyday life. Randy aims to encourage and uplift readers, showing them how to seek a closer relationship with God and recognize the gifts of the Spirit.
"4-Minute Devotions"....Terry Nightingale is Sr. Pastor of Perth Baptist Church & conducts his ministry from Southern River, a suburb of Perth, Western Australia. Pastor Terry has prepared Short, Biblical, Christ-Centered devotions for seekers of truth on the go...
<==Click the Pic for Terry Nightingale Creative Ministries Website
Step into a space where FAITH meets TRANSFORMATION. Discover HOPE that renews your Spirit and Life that brings Eternal Joy. Come explore what God has in store for you—Begin your journey.
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